The Courage Edition: 8 Week 1:1 Program

Bounce Back from Bullying

After hours of scrolling to find help, resources, and anyone out there that actually cares, you finally come across The Courage Edition and think…


I Need This!

In a world where bullying is running riot in the community and cyber bullying is wreaking havoc from the safety of your own home, finding support has become a desperate attempt in the dead hours of the night while your kids sleep in their cozy beds.

 But this doesn’t have to be the case any longer.

The Courage Edition is keeping you nurtured and connected as you navigate these conflicts and challenges with your kids, steering you and your kids towards a life of confidence, courage, and inner strength!

I believe all families need a community of support around them to deal with bullying!


The Story Goes...

Your child comes home from school and says they’re being picked on. They say their friends no longer want to hang around them anymore. That so-and-so thinks they’re dumb, ugly, fat, or should just d*e.

As a mum of two and a victim of bullying myself, I know how heartbreaking these comments can be for kids AND for the parents seeing the devastation on their child’s face. It’s almost impossible to hold back the tears.
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But then it gets worse...

Before it was just happening at school or at community gatherings, but now you’ve noticed it’s moved INTO the safety of your house. The nasty remarks are turning into comments and images online and you’ve noticed your child getting worked up while using their device, or not allowing you to see what they’re doing on their device.

and then...

It’s been months now and your child is still struggling with this person or so-called ‘friends’. Over time you’ve noticed your child slowly withdrawing and changing…and not in a good way. They’re spending more time alone, they don’t talk as much, their school grades have gone down and you barely get a smile anymore. They don’t seem happy anymore, they get angry or cry at the smallest remark from you, and they constantly making up stories, so they don’t have to go to school.

We Need 1:1 Coaching!



These aren’t stories I’m making up.


Some of them have happened to me, and a lot of these stories have and are happening to clients of The Courage Edition.


There isn’t one solution to BULLYING, CYBER BULLYING, or FRIENDSHIP CONFLICTS. Every situation is unique, every victim is unique.

BUT THE GOOD THING IS: Every person with bullying behaviours has something in common. The behaviour is LEARNT and can be unlearnt.

You’re probably wondering what that has to do with your child who is feeling the trauma of being bullied?

The Solution is in HOW we approach these bullying behaviours:

Overcoming these challenges doesn’t happen overnight. It is a process of building inner strength and tools to manage it as it happens. It’s about developing COURAGE within our kids.


So, HOW do we get our kids to feel COURAGEOUS enough to use the strategies…HOW do we have them starting to build back their inner strength and confidence to be THEMSELVES.


  • SCARED that your child has already given up and won’t accept the help.

    NERVOUS that they won’t be STRONG enough to attempt to overcome these challenges.


    RELIEVED that you’re not alone and someone FINALLY gets what happening to your child!!

“Everything you've done for my daughter has been so positive and I thank you SO much for all your help. Even your conversation starters (within your Ultimate Parent Pack) have helped me and my daughter so much. Thank you again.”

Nat, Australia

“We were desperate for help. I'd pulled my daughter out of school and she was so nervous to start at a new school. Your coaching through this difficult time was so helpful. Thank you so much”

Liz, UK
Give Me The Support!

So what if you could get the support you need?

What if you could lean on someone for support and seek advice from them as the bullying is happening. What if you could get access to custom resources to help you and your child?


Can you imagine what it would feel like to have your child come home from school or get off their device feeling empowered, confident and full of COURAGE? What if they began to open up to you more about what’s happening and how they’re handling things? What if they begin to LIKE who they are again?


It’s time to stop trying to do this on your own and start getting the support you and your child need.


The Courage Edition: 8 Week 1:1 Program

Bounce Back from Bullying Program

Give Me This!


I am packaging up EVERYTHING I’ve learnt in this strategic and resourceful package that has already helped SO many kids and tweens overcome bullying and cyber bullying.

This package has been built on years of experience and psychological strategies that I have used and KNOW work! Trust me when I tell you that being bullied is as much an external journey as it is an internal one in building COURAGE and I have followed this same journey myself and watched many others do the same.

I’m giving you the exact model that I wish I had when I was being bullied to turn your child into a COURAGEOUS and CONFIDENT person that is ready to take on anything that stands in their way.

What's Inside? 


THE BOUNCE BACK FROM BULLYING PROGRAM provides the exact framework for you that overcomes bullying, cyber bullying and friendship conflicts so that you don’t have to navigate this devastating and often traumatic experience on your own. The service is for YOU (the parent) AND your CHILD/TWEEN.


As soon as you sign up, I will be in contact with you to arrange our first meeting over zoom. You will get weekly zoom meetings where we can debrief and build more strategies to get your child feeling confident in themselves. This is a custom support service and so each week’s content will be altered to suit the individual situation.

My Kid Has To Have This Support!

So let's talk numbers


If you enrol today, you’ll get all the COURAGE Edition goodness delivered to you weekly after each zoom meeting. But this isn’t all. You'll get:

  •  A hardcover (while stocks last) or digital copy of my Bounce back journal (either the bullying one or the cyber bullying one depending on what you’re child is facing). ($40)
  •  The exact framework for your child to transform into a courageous person with boundaries and strength. ($499)
  •  Resources that help you approach schools about the bullying as well as resources for your child/ tween to overcome bullying/cyber bullying. ($399)
  •  Ongoing 1:1 support via voice messages in Signal as you need it (excluding the weekends because let’s face it, we all need down time!)($999)



2 x Monthly payments of


  • Want to jump in but not pay it all upfront? That's fine by me. This payment plan offers 2 x monthly installments of


Pay in full


  • Want to get it all out of the way? Why not pay in full!


Can't Do Monthly or In Full?

  • Need a custom plan so you can pay weekly or fortnightly? No worries. Get in touch below for your custom payment plan.

Contact Us Now

The Courage Edition Promise:

After 14 days, if you’re not happy with the content or the support, you can cancel, no matter what payment plan you’ve chosen. We can chalk it up to having a ‘good ol go!’


Bullying doesn’t have to be an endless cycle.


Your child doesn’t have to live looking over their shoulder all the time.

They don’t have to live in fear and anxiety.

Together, we can plan, prepare, role model, and practice strategies and get your child starting to feel that they are being seen and heard TODAY!

Yeah, We Need This!

Hi, I'm Kimberly Conicella

I’m a Sunshine coast mumma of two, that is passionate about helping you with bullying, cyber bullying and friendship conflicts. I spent years being bullied and even more years feeling the impacts of the trauma left behind from bullying and I don’t want that for ANYONE! Trust me when I say I’ve been there and I want to help!

I am a Teacher with a Communications Degree and a Masters in Education. I’ve had years and years of learning about psychology and how to implement psychological strategies to help build my self worth, self belief, self confidence and self esteem so that I LIKED who I was. This was the impact that bullying had on me and I don’t want anyone to feel like I did. The sad thing is, every person I talk to tells me they have been bullied too.

I didn’t have the emotional support at home and now that I'm a mumma, I work hard to ensure my kids feel emotionally supported and know their self worth. Since having my own kids, I’ve been pulled towards helping as many families as I can to overcome bullying and cyber bullying with courage and walk away from it knowing they are worthy of being liked and loved.


This is a No Brainer!


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