Well, Hey there...

I'm Kimberly

I'm a Qld Sunny Coaster, author, anti-bullying advocate, educator, speaker, and book-lover that has BIG DREAMS to make big changes in the anti-bullying space around Australia and the world!


I've always been called to help those that couldn't stand up for themselves.

But it wasn't until I had my first child, Avery, that I was triggered to do something that could help with bullying and friendship conflicts.

I was teaching by this point, and I'd gone into teaching to help kids who were struggling with friendship dynamics andĀ bullying. I know I'm supposed to say I went into teaching to well... teach, but truthfully teaching math and literacy was only a small part of my main purpose for being a teacher. I wanted toĀ HELPĀ kids socially. I wanted get to the nitty gritty of the situations and find ways to resolve it. I wanted to help kids the way IĀ WASN'TĀ helped when I was in school.

In retrospect...

I probably should have known that the girl who was bullied for over 12 months by 5 of her closest friends, tormented by the neighbouring kids where I felt like I couldn't leave my house, and called 'fat' by another group of kids, would be the drive I needed to rise up and speak for those that needed it!

To be honest I used to feel a lot of shame around being too loud or having an opinion. This was because I was always told I was. I became overly worried about the things I'd said and would be easily upset by what people had to say about me. People would tell me I lacked resilience. But honestly, I lacked much more than that...

I lacked a support network...

After years of processing, healing, and learning EVERYTHING I could about mindset and psychology, I have come out the other side with a fire to help as many kids as I can feel supported through bullying.

With 1 in 4 kids experiencing bullying and 1 in 5 exposed to cyber bullying, this issue IS our digital pandemic!


The Courage Edition isn't just a dream!

It's my passion.

Im driven to help as many people as I can to feelĀ empoweredĀ andĀ courageousĀ to stand up to bullying! To feel happy inĀ WHOĀ they are! Because NO ONE should feel inadequate, or threatened...

Everyone should beĀ PROUD AS POPCORNĀ of who they are!


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